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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can a marriage be saved after many years of sexual and emotional neglect?
  • Can love in my marriage be restored?
  • Can a healthy and positive communication be gained?
  • Can a marriage recover from an affair?
  • Will I be able to trust again?
  • Can the power struggles and conflicts stop in any relationship?
  • Can friendships be restored
  • Will I ever be able to have a loving/positive relationship with my parent/s

Most relationships can be mended if the people involved in these relationships are prepared to go through the journey of self discovery. Although there are varied reasons why significant relationships break down or come to an end, in the most part, we tend to focus our mind on the presenting problem rather than look at what caused the problem. Individuals find it difficult to enter into the realm of the ‘underlying issues’ for fear of having to face themselves and maybe the part that they have played in a relationship going wrong.

My 12 week program consist of 4 elements which will allow,
• Self Discovery and Understanding
• Self Healing
• Restoring
• Renewing

I am Always Ready For A Challenge